vendredi 15 octobre 2010


Drop of a Dime brings 5 unique creators together! Created in February 2010 the DOAD project combines original roots of world music, jazz and Rap all together. With a background that includes voodoo and Death metal as well as classical and Jazz, DOAD Band members balance many original elements together to create an amazing universe rich in texture and colors!

As we dig deeper in too the band members historic, we understand that DOAD is the distinct result of years of individual experience trough gigs, travelling, music jam, Native exorcisms etc … In many ways DOAD is a Lab where improvisation brings great interactions between the musicians.

Because Drop of a Dime is all about trying new stuff, their music take us away from the to often bla bla main stream. With a great sense of liberty, they keep exploring for new texture, playing with kitchen scrap bottles or old frying pans to create a unique and vibrating story.

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